Rapini, also known as Broccoli Rabe, is delicious, but it can be very bitter. However, I’ve discovered that if it doesn’t smell bitter, it doesn’t seem to taste bitter. It may be a matter of buying it in season, and since it’s a cool weather crop, in the Northern Hemisphere that means fall to spring.
My dad grew up eating rapini, but he called it “greens” so I didn’t realize they were one and the same until a few years ago. He boiled it, which meant that as a kid, (even a kid who liked vegetables), I thought that it must be slimy. And, I assumed I wouldn’t like it. I can’t believe what I was missing.
Spaghettini with Rapini and Walnuts
whole grain pasta of your choice
one half of a head of rapini
1/4 cup of walnuts
2 cloves of garlic, minced
olive oil
sea salt and freshly ground black pepper
Cook pasta according to directions. Wash, chop coarsely and sautee rapini in olive oil with garlic until wilted, but still a bit crisp. Add walnuts and toast as rapini cooks for another 2 minutes. Season with salt and pepper. Drain pasta and toss with rapini and walnuts. Drizzle with olive oil and toss again. Adjust seasoning to taste.
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