Friday, September 30, 2011

Summer's End

Oh hello...are you still there?...thanks for hanging in there. I've been cooking up a storm in the past few weeks, but sadly I have had no pictures because I dropped and broke my camera at the end of the summer (taking pictures for the blog).

Luckily, I snapped some good ones of my little deck garden as it was just getting to harvest time, so I have some photographic proof that my efforts bore fruit.

The tomatoes were really lovely - all nearly perfect with such bright flavour.

And this all happened despite a little friend who tried, throughout the year, to stop me.

Yes, those are mini green peppers in there, too.

For some colour on the deck, I planted some dwarf phlox...they were so cheerful and they continue to bloom. 

Even now, as the days are getting shorter and the evenings crisp, I am still heading outside to grab some chives or parsley or basil. Tonight I noticed some new yellow flowers on the tomatoes. Hopefully the mild fall days will last. I feel sad thinking that some of them might not make it. Gardening...we had some good times this summer. See you next year!

Pictures or not, I'll be posting some recent recipes soon. And then when the camera is back in business...I'm planning a posting on my favorite kitchen items. I received a gift card to a large, luxurious kitchen store from a generous friend and I can't wait to get some new gadgets!

...Stay tuned.

1 comment:

  1. That's a good harvest from your little garden!


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